Helping Lydia’s House of Hope

2-Way Communications is excited and proud to announce our support of Lydia’s House of Hope, a transitional housing facility that is part of Seeds of Faith, Inc. Seeds of Faith is a non-profit dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless and low-income people in the Greater Seacoast area.

Lydia’s House of Hope helps families combat homelessness and generational poverty. During a year-long residence, women and women-headed homeless families are taught integral life skills, laying the groundwork for independent living. The core concepts of accountability, responsibility, and industry are the message.

Lydia’s House is a multi-story building with different sections in varying states of repair. Three volunteer 2-Way Communications employees will be on site every month for a full day, working on projects assigned by Director Theresa Tozier. In January, the crew will be installing a learning center with four computer stations immediately behind the first-floor kitchen. What a deal! Creating a place for learning and developing computer and internet savvy all while being within a few feet of fresh, homemade cookies!

Learn more about Lydia’s House of Hope.

MotoTRBO Applications


Enhancing MotoTRBO Radios with Voice & Data Applications

Just like smartphones, people want more from their two-way radios. Voice & data applications deliver added value by improving productivity, enhancing employee safety, and helping reduce response times. Using existing facility communication networks and integrating with existing building infrastructure, these solutions are cost-effective, scalable, easy to install and very easy to use.

Voice and data applications enhance MOTOTRBO™ radios with additional features like telephone interconnect, dispatch consoles, radio recording, alarm management, and lone worker monitoring. All applications can run simultaneously on one radio or be used individually.

Teldio has created a suite of applications specifically for MotoTRBO systems. Applications allow you to make and receive phone calls on your MOTOTRBO™ radio, detect if a worker has suffered a fall, engage GPS Monitoring, and more.

For more information visit our MotoTRBO Applications page.+


Light Captured For Drug Production

This isn’t about network technology, but it’s too cool to pass over. Researchers in the Netherlands have created a method for making simple drugs (like aspirin or ibuprofen) that uses a method similar to plant ( the chlorophyll-laden bio-organism plant) production.

Artificial leaves use a luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) to guide light of a specific wavelength to channels bored through the material where drug reactants are concentrated. The energy from the light sets off the reaction.

The big picture: the ability to produce common drugs on a small scale, even on cloudy days … anywhere …  even in resource-poor areas. The article originally appeared in TechCrunch.


Two-Way Radios: The Pros


No surprise, here at 2-Way Communications we are big fans of using 2-way radios. It doesn’t matter what workplace – education, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, retail, transportation, utilities. Two-way radios are regularly chosen as the communication tool of choice by management and the front-line user. How come an almost 80-year-old technology is still a very valid tool for the workplace? Here are a few of the reasons why:

Privacy via a closed network – sharing isn’t always the right thing to do.

One-to-Many Communication – a time saver, speaking to all your crew at once.

Excellent reception and wide area coverage – no need to wait for an optimal signal. Touch a button and you’re in communication.

Effectiveness in ultra-noisy environments – The call always gets though, finding a quiet spot is no longer necessary.

Availability of safety features – like Teldio’s Centralized Lone Worker, Man Down Notifier, and Alarm Control System.

Ruggedly built for industrial environments – have you seen someone drop a cell phone or laptop recently?

We’ve all seen new technology become obsolete as better, newer things become available. Two-way radios, though, have been continually developed and enhanced to meet the needs of a variety of users. If you’re facing the 2-way radio / cell phone decision for your organization, give us a call. Once we understand your workplace communications needs, we can work with you on making an informed decision about purchasing or upgrading your two way radios, if that’s the best choice for you.

Roll Over On Your Friends? A New Ransomware

Ransomware is computer malware that installs on your computer, executes an attack, and demands a ransom payment. Simple ransomware may lock the entire system and display a message requesting payment to unlock it. More advanced malware encrypts files, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them.

As above, there are different types of ransomware. However, all of them will prevent you from using your PC normally, and they will all ask you to do something before you can use it.

They can target any PC user, whether it’s a home computer, endpoints in an enterprise network, or servers used by a government agency or healthcare provider.

To protect yourself from ransomware, you can start by taking these steps:

  1. Use reputable antivirus software and a firewall.
  2. Back up often.
  3. Enable your popup blocker.
  4. Exercise caution.
  5. Disconnect from the Internet.
  6. Alert authorities (perhaps the FBI, not the local PD).

As recently noted in WIRED, a new version of ransomware has been discovered that is unique – instead of forking over bitcoin, you can sell out a couple of your friends to resolve your own hostage situation … Happy Holidays, indeed! For more information: Popcorn Time Ramsomware.



Why MotoTRBO

As technology improves, so does the capacity and quality of radio communications. Professional radios allow employees and management be more efficient, productive, and safe across industry verticals. The professional radio’s advanced digital technology provide real-time voice and data communications along with a host of data applications. Motorola’s MotoTRBO digital radios, from ultra-light portables to extra-tough mobiles, help you get the job done right, done efficiently, and done safely.

Features of these radios include crystal clear audio, easy-to-read displays, integrated Bluetooth, and integrated wi-fi. From the CPd and CMd series to the SL700E, these high-performance radios are safety-focused, productivity-enhancing, and every day rugged. Each model radio has been developed by Motorola with a specific user in mind:

CPd and  CMd series are rugged and simple, designed for the everyday user who needs to stay connected.

SL300 radios are slim and portable, designed for the customer service user who wants intuitive technology.

XPR™ 3000e and  XPR™ 2500 series offer a perfect balance for the busy worker who needs effective communications.

XPR™ 7000e and XPR™ 5000e series offer total connectivity for the skilled professional who refuses to compromise.

SL 7000e series radios are sleek and smart, just right for the business manager who needs complete control.

For more information regarding which radio would be the best for your organization, visit our Products.

Malicious Mobile Apps

Granted, you get a mobile phone, and one of the first things you think about is downloading apps for fun, socializing, or even an enhanced quality of life.

Thing is, there are legitimate apps that do what you think they’ll do, and ones that will  create heartache and discontent ’cause someone has taken advantage Android’s open-source status. These apps may steal money and personal information, and quite possible ruin your Holiday Season.

A great article about this problem appeared in WIRED, with more in-depth information about the whys, hows, and what you can to to protect yourself. Take a look:

Malicious Apps Downloaded Outside Of Google Play



VHF or UHF – Which Is For You?



One of the decisions you must make before your next radio purchase is the choice between VHF and UHF. Understanding the difference will help you make the best choice for your agency. If you are not familiar with VHF and UHF, the following short primer will help.


VHF (Very High Frequency) radio use a pretty broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum, from 30 MHz to 300 MHz. The broader range means a larger broadcast range. VHF also transmits over a greater distance than UHF. Even though VHF enjoys a larger range, fewer channels are available. This can lead to interference from other nearby two-way radios and congestion as well. VHF radios are great for outdoor applications, and across large areas (like a ski resort or golf course). In urban areas, with tall buildings, VHF radios typically suffer signal degradation. VHF radio is favored by people in the recreation industry.


UHF (Ultra-High Frequency) radios have a shorter range than VHF, but make up for the reduced range with a much wider frequency spectrum. The wider frequency spectrum allows more channels, providing less interference compared to VHF. However, because of the use of the higher frequency range, battery power is drained at a higher rate. UHF signals are much better at penetrating barriers (wood, concrete, steel), so this type of radio is ideal for the urban setting. Typical users are from the manufacturing, education, hospitality, and healthcare industries. Additionally, UHF is the choice for organizations requiring two-way radio communications in both interior and exterior settings.

Keeping the above in mind will help you make the best choice during your next radio purchase. There are pros and cons for each type of radio, and basic rule of thumb is that VHF is better outdoors and in larger areas, while UHF is better for short range and indoor applications.

Analog and Digital Radios


In the two-way radio world, there are two types of radios available; analog and digital.

The main difference is the way in which signals are transmitted and received.

An analog radio works by picking up the signal from a transmission site using carrier radio frequency waves. Listeners tune into analog frequency stations on their device. They listen to the electrical radio waves as they are transmitted directly from the radio station to the analog radio. These radios waves are transmitted continuously, without interruption to the sound.

Digital radios work by picking up a processed signal which turns sound into patterns of digits rather than the radio waves which are used for analog transmissions. These digital signals are transmitted via satellite to listeners’ radios by the same technology as is used for digital television signals.

Pros and Cons of Analog Radio:


  • Analog radios are relatively inexpensive when compared to digital radios. They are far less complex and easy to use.
  • The number of products and accessories offered is much larger and provides for more options.
  • Analog systems make good use of bandwidth and are well understood.
  • Analog radios are eco-friendly by comparison to digital radios.
  • Analog radio waves broadcast a continuous signal, so every tone of a transmission is heard as a complete sound.
  • Analog systems use the natural voice, which is a feature preferred by many users.


  • Typically only one two-way conversation can occur at a time on each channel.
  • Analog systems require hardware receivers and transmitters that are designed to fit the particular transmission.
  • No software-driven business applications are available for analog radios.
  • Analog radios cannot filter out other noise around the sender.
  • There is no privacy on an analog radio.
  • Analog radios pick up interference from other transmitting stations.

Pros and Cons of Digital Radio


  • Digital radios have greater range than analog.
  • Digital and analog voice signals can be combined in the same digital devices.
  • Digital signals can be handled by standardized antenna systems and existing infrastructure equipment.
  • Digital radios have far more capabilities, such as: voice filtering; direct and group calling; text messaging; call privacy.
  • Longer battery life.


  • Radio frequency noises can impact the signal received on a digital device.
  • First-time users may experience a steep learning curve.
  • Digital is currently typically more expensive than analog.


When considering your next fleet radio purchase, it will help to understand which transmission type will suit you best. Assess the level of reception of digital and analog radio signals at the location you intend to use the radio to help ensure you are making the right choice. Keep in mind the United States is moving in favor of digital transmission, which may affect the long-term worth and usability of analog models.

Home IT Security

Here’s an article from WIRED with very timely ideas to help us all during the holiday season … the joy of the holidays might be drastically reduced if your identity is stolen, or your credit card is used by a stranger to foot the bill for the trip of a lifetime to Pago Pago. Yes, you can recover from these intrusions, but why go through the hassle? Take a look:

3 Ways to Improve Family Online Security
