Remote Managed Service


Maybe it’s the sometimes rude, hard-to-understand IT support guy. Maybe it’s the variable costs associated with a break-fix support model. Maybe your IT guy closed his doors and just disappeared.
Working with local Seacoast companies and town offices, we understand your day-to-day operations provide enough of a challenge. You don’t have time to deal with these scenarios. We can help – our customers spend more time on core business and 20 – 45% less on IT costs.
A managed services provider (MSP) offers management and support of IT network-based services, applications and equipment. A reliable MSP allows business owners and employees to focus on their core functions and not spend valuable time trying to learn enough to take the place of an IT professional.
We at the Network Division provide proactive IT managed services using a remote monitoring and management (RMM) system. This platform allows us to continually monitor the health and performance of your IT network—without any kind of disruption to your employees’ activities. Our robust RMM platform supports early detection and remediation of issues before they cause downtime or data loss. We will also generate regular reports that provide insight into your IT system, including the business value and services being received, which will help you plan and budget for future IT expenses.
Remote monitoring and management works because an RMM tool conducts oversight of your network and IT assets 24/7. When necessary the RMM tool alerts your MSP to a potential issue or an issue about to occur; a centralized dashboard allows for remote diagnosis and remediation of the issue by the appropriate technician—without disruption to your business flow!
You can trust us to deliver the level of managed services your business needs to ensure a stable and secure IT environment. Our proactive services model will eliminate business disruptions and give you peace of mind knowing that your networks are always secure and operational with no surprises or unexpected expenses.

Magnetic Mic


Our Fleet Coordinator says these mic clips do not stay on the shelves … everyone takes a look, realizes the benefit, and gets one for their vehicle. Here’s a quick look at this inspired-in-the-field device.
Magnetic Mic enhances safety by reducing distracted driving. Once installed it helps drivers stay focused on the road when picking up and returning a CB or police radio microphone to its holder.  The magnetic attraction between the mount and mic allows you to keep your eyes on the road. Magnetic Mic works with virtually all radio systems. It doesn’t matter if your radio system functions with an on-hook/ off-hook setting, switches to a private line or scans when hung up.
The Mic replaces your hang-up clip using a standard two-hole mount. It installs anywhere within the driver’s reach and is designed to work with all major microphone manufactures. According to the manufacturer, currently more than 30,000 radio operators in a wide range of industries (construction, public transportation, commercial trucking, police, fire, EMS and more) benefit from the use of this made-in-America product.
Visit the showroom or give us a call (800-441-6288) to learn more about this amazing product!

A Strategy For Radio Technology Upgrades

Regardless of the why (It’s a new year; we got a grant; the budget finally allows it …) there are times when we can make changes to our technology. Even if the sky is not the limit, we get to look at our infrastructure with renewed perspective and make positive, cost-effective changes.
If your renewed perspective is being focused on your 2-way radio fleet, these items are worth considering to help you make the best choice for your organization:
Accessories – Whether it’s one earpiece, or an antenna for every two way radio in your business, the cost, quality, and variety ofaccessories will impact your decision. Motorola’s accessories include a wide range of batteries, extra chargers, earpieces, belt clips, speaker mics and everything in between that you might need for your two way radio.
Analog to Digital – You might still have analog radios, or perhaps you have the type of Motorola radio that has the ability to transition from analog to digital. Regardless, the switch to digital may mean a significant improvement in your radio fleet operation (longer battery life, greater range, noise cancellation capabilities, a wide range of applications) and so should be factored into your consideration.
Company Expansions – An increase in location, employees, or physical space may prompt the need for additional products or newer, more capable radios for your two-way fleet. Company expansions are exciting times, and can be easy and rewarding with a bit of preplanning.
Old Equipment  – Eventually wear and tear has an effect. Is this a problem you have? What percentage of your fleet falls into is beyond effective cost repair? MotoTRBO radios are expected to last up to seven years. Would MotoTRBO be a good addition for you?                      
Promotions – Motorola provides quarterly promotions which provide a number of incentives worth checking out. With the right promotion you might find the extra funds you need for your purchase. For more, visit here.
Upcoming Projects – What projects are on the books for this year that require high level communication tools to be in place for your team? Regardless of the venue, two way radios come in an array of options providing functionality in an array of environments – indoor, outdoor, urban, rural and large or small spaces. Which would be right for you?
Now may not be the time for an organizational technology upgrade. When the time does come, regardless of the size of the change, 2-Way Communications can help you with the improvements you want for your organization. Review our product offerings, then give us a call (800-441-6288). It only takes a two minute phone call to get the process started.

Vehicle Protection Done Right

Here in New England, late January and February are the heart of winter.  New Years is long in the past and the repetitive rounds of snow and cold snaps have set in.  For protection of municipal, commercial and private vehicles we use WeatherTech products. WeatherTech is based in Chicago, so they have a slight appreciation of what it’s like here, not like the spray-on guys based in So Cal.


Every vehicle takes a beating during the winter season. You can protect your personal or business investment with the best in automotive protection.  Whether it’s floor liners or a cargo bed liner or both, the snow, slush and salt become trapped in the channels, away from shoes, clothing and cargo. Better than driving with your feet in ice water, right?

For those that are out hauling in the elements, the WeatherTech products which are designed to protect your truck include the Pickup Truck Bed Liner and the Roll Up Pickup Truck Bed Cover.  Laser measured mud flaps also keep flying slush to a minimum for you and the cars around you.

As a WeatherTdodg_ram_13_36706_3tg04ech Diamond Dealer we carry an assorted range of WeatherTech products designed and manufactured specifically for your vehicle. Interior products include FloorLiner, Floor Mats, Bed Liners, and Techshade for windshields and windows. Exterior products include window deflectors, bed liners, BumpStep for your hitch, mud flaps, and stone deflectors.

Visit our showroom floor and check out the quality of these Made In America products. Then select what you need to protect your vehicle and make an appointment. Your vehicle will thank you. Promise.

A Unique Password for Every Website

More than once we’ve heard (loginand read) from security experts about website passwords: keep them long; keep them strong; keep them unique. The first two are not much of a challenge, the third may be. It’s not uncommon to visit and use dozens of websites, some of us may get up into the hundreds. The questions becomes, then, how to generate long, strong, unique passwords for each site, and be able to recall them when needed. And without referring to a post-it  or electronic file, please.

Here’s a method that’s used by a few of us here at 2-Way that’s proven to provide strong passwords that are easy to recall. It’s based simply on the website name, three years, and three special characters. Here’s how it works:

Three of my favorite historical figures were born in 1473, 1564, and 1643. My three special characters (in alphabetical order) are the ampersand, dollar sign, and exclamation point. Finally, HP is the manufacturer of computer hardware I use. If H-P is thought of as a range of the alphabet, all of the above falls into a grid …

A – G H – P Q – Z
1473 1564 1643
& $ !


To create a password for Amazon, as example, I select the first and last two letters of the website name

am   on

Since the leading character is a, the four digits I choose are 1473 (from the A-G column). My password then is


I let the last letter of the website name determine the special character. Since n falls into the range of H – P, I use (from the H – P column) the $, giving


Needing uppercase letters, I go one box to the right of the special character and drop down one. If your four alpha-characters can be represented by wxyz, having YZ capitalized means my password now is


Done. Similarly, a password for Google would be gO14&Le73, WordPress gives WO16!ss43, and a password for Motorola becomes mO15&La64.

Since the years, special characters, and capitalization scheme you choose will be unique, the likelihood of someone guessing one of your passwords is very, very slim. And, after generating a few passwords using the chart you’ve created, creating the next dozen or more is quite easy.

That’s it. Using this scheme, I don’t need a to remember a password; the website name tells me what the password is. Try it a few times for yourself and let us know what you think.

Two-Way Radios and Range

rln6491-operations-critical-wireless-heavy-duty-headsetThe most obvious (and most frequent) question: “How far will I be able to reach with this radio?”. Honestly, there is no simple, straight-forward answer. The factors affecting the range of a two-way radio are: the radio’s antenna and power, and the terrain. Some insight on how each of these factors impacts your ability to transmit and receive over distance is below.


You knownar6591a the higher you go, the greater the range. Having a tall antenna means having maximum range. Motorola two-way radios have removable antennas, so upgrading your antenna is a low-cost (around $20) easy way to improve range performance.

Mobile radio antennas are mounted on the outside of a vehicle, preferably on the roof, so the antenna as high as possible, providing maximum range.


Operating at maximum power will also help to improve range. Using fully charged batteries allows transmitting and receiving at the highest power level possible


The average li-ion battery contains 1.2V of power, and the average alkaline battery pack produces 1.5V. That makes battery packs worth looking into. Motorola IMPRES batteries too. Having the right battery may mean the difference in getting the message out or not.


Terrain has more affect than any other factor. Using a high perch, over flat terrain a two-way radio can transmit and receive up to 30 miles. On the ground with no obstacles to interfering, the curvature of the earth limits communications to about 6.5 miles. Adding obstructions such as trees, hills, valleys, and buildings may decrease a radio’s range to under a half mile.

Know your terrain before you buy. If you are needing radios for use in a fairly open area, then VHF model radios are best. The longer radio waves of a VHF radio give a greater range over open spaces. UHF the best choice for use around structures and in dense areas.

Just out of Range?

When you are on the edge of your range there are a several things to try to increase your range just enough to hear or talk when you need it.

  • Climb. Get to the highest point you can so your radio will have a greater line-of-sight.
  • Stand Up. Standing can increase your range over 1 mile!
  • Use High Power Mod, if you have it. This significantly boosts your signal, improving range in dense areas.

If there’s a need to improve system-wide range, you can consider Motorola Two-Way Radio Repeaters or Bi-Directional Amplification (BDA).slr5700_02

Repeaters receive weak radio signals and transmit them with greater power, providing up to twice the range. Repeaters are great for large outdoor areas that have many hills and valleys that would normally cut the radio signal short (think ski or vacation resort). They are typically installed with a large antenna in the highest area possible to get the maximum line-of-sight and range.

BDA’s are ideal for increasing range within buildings and down into basements. Concrete and metal strongly affect radio signals and limit range. Adding a BDA can amplify a radio’s transmit and receive strength and help get through those barriers.

If you’d like to learn more about improving your range through repeater systems or BDA’s, contact your 2-Way Communications Account Manager today. We’d be glad to assist you in getting the range you need to drive your business forward.

Not Just Any Battery

No surprise, but it should be said: Your two-way radio is only as good as the battery that powers it.

So what makes Motorola IMPRES™ batteries the best choice?

Motorola IMPRES™ two-way radio batteries have been tested with Motorola two-way radios in real-world conditions. The results are impressive:

 IMPRES™ batteries can be charged 150 times more and last 43% longer than standard    non-IMPRES batteries(stock fewer spares !). impress-charger

IMPRES™ batteries combined with IMPRES™ chargers provide a range of advanced features including adaptive reconditioning and end-of-life display, allowing recovery from abusive operation and improper charging (optimized battery cycle life!).

 IMPRES™ Battery Management allows the users to monitor and manage battery health in real time.

Motorola Solutions IMPRES™ batteries come in a variety of mAh capacities (from 1400mAh to 2750mAh) and chemistry (NiCd, NiMH and Li-Ion), and most are all operational in temperatures as low as -10 °C and as high as + 60 °C.

Every Motorola battery is designed and manufactured to meet Motorola’s demanding
standards. Here’s what makes up their anatomy (and why they are so tough!): impres-battery

Premium Cells: Which provide higher capacity, longer cycle life and a wider temperature
range (from as low as -30°C to as high as 60°C).

Flexible Copper Circuitry: Circuit boards and other more reliable means to make
electrical connections between components are used in IMPRES™ batteries. So, when the radio gets dropped, the battery can tolerate higher levels of impact force.

Shock- Absorbing Padding: Shock-absorbing materials protect
the cell pack and circuitry. By dampening shock and vibration inside the battery, the effects of sudden impacts are reduced.

Durable Polycarbonate Plastic: Polycarbonate plastic is used for optimal protection and
performance. Battery housings are strong, robust and designed to “bend and flex” when dropped.

Reach out to your account manager for more information or to place an order. Visit our website to see the selection available.

Achievable Security Resolutions for the New Year

Personal on-line security is obviously  needed, and I’m sure you’ve been meaning to clean up some things up for awhile now. Given recent hacking history, 2017 is the year to make changes. Spamming, phishing, man-in-the-middle attacks, and ransom ware pose real daily threats. Passwords continue to leak in rather large corporate breaches,and people own more and more devices that can be compromised. Could be seen as a recipe for disaster, right?

The overwhelming challenge of protecting yourself is only apparent, and is not reason to give up on security altogether. There’s no disputing that adding more internet security does require some work. Note the operational tern here is “some”. So do it!

The first step is to check off the really simple tasks that only take a few minutes, noted in a prior blog post. Once you’ve got that baseline set read on for the slightly more time-consuming stuff. Do it for yourself, then generate some positive personal karma and do it for your relatives or a friend, too.

5 resolutions that are definitely doable, and doable right now, are:

Set Up a Password Manager

The nice thing about setting up a password manager is that once you put in the time to get it up and running it will genuinely make your life easier beyond just improving your security. You won’t have to go through password resets all the time, risk being locked out of accounts after too many failed entry attempts, or need to stretch your brain with complicated password mnemonics. Everything will just be there behind one long and strong master password. Once you get going it easily becomes part of the daily routine, and you’ll eventually you’ll wake up one morning and realize that you’ve had your password manager for years. Promise!

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

This measure, which usually requires you to enter temporary codes sent to or generated on your phone along with your regular password, helps protect you from attack if your passwords fail. Not all services have two-factor authentication, and many that do call it by similar but confusing names. Setting it up for important accounts, though, provides another defense layer.

Make Backups

This is such an obviously great idea that the point will not be belabored here. Whether you’re storing backups locally on a hard drive or in the cloud, you can add an additional layer of protection by encrypting your data and password protecting it before doing the backup. With this in place your data has increased defense even if your cloud provider is hacked or your external hard drive is lost/stolen.

Know How to Use a VPN

Once you are connected to the internet, VPNs create an encrypted connection between your device and a secure server. With this connection in place you can browse and use the internet, protected from eavesdropping. All you need to do to use the VPN day to day is log in through a “VPN client,” an application or web portal. If you’re doing something sensitive or browsing on unprotected public Wi-Fi, like at a coffee shop, turning on your VPN helps ensure that the data you send and receive is encrypted and can’t be spied on.

Use End-to-End Encrypted Chat App

Apps with full end-to-end encryption are safe from prying eyes, whomever they may be. By convincing your friends and family to switch to chat apps like WhatsApp and Signal, you reduce the chance that your communications will be intercepted. As with password managers or anything else, there is never a guarantee of perfect security, but taking the step to use services that place a high priority on security is better than not doing it.

For the average person who’s just looking to make some positive changes in 2017, adding these five precautions to your digital life will make a significant difference in the quality of your defense, and your ability to recover from common attacks.

Lydia’s House of Hope

Travis, Mark, and Gordon spent a day at Lydia’s House of Hope in Somersworth this past Wednesday. The majority of the day was dedicated to getting Theresa’s office ready for her to move in. Travis and Mark also helped out with painting the front entrance, and Gordon spent time in what will eventually become a hydroponics room, where residents will grow vegetables for the kitchen and seedlings for sale. Everyone had an awesome day helping out!